Sunday, January 19, 2014
Garland Wreath
As I was wandering around a famous crafting store the other day I noticed a gorgeous wreath... then I started in HORROR at the price!! $49 f...
Monday, May 6, 2013
Speaking of glitter
I made a golden glitter Texas. :) just turquoise paper, Elmer's glue, Qtip and glitter! I put it in a frame and TADA new art work! I did...
So this very thick plastic cut out of my family brand is about 19 inches tall and 14 inches wide.... I want to cover it COMPLETELY with some...
Monday, February 18, 2013
I am sitting in a professional development for my school district right now and I have learned more information about technology than I care...
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Pre-Classroom Ideas
Hello internets! I hope to be getting my own classroom in the future and I have begun the daunty task of getting things organized. My ...
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Storage Wars
Hello there internets! I decided to go in the freezing cold to clean out my storage unit today.... I ended up finding lots of hats,...
Saturday, December 29, 2012
An explanation and Glittered Up Buck
Hiiiii.... :D I know I've been away for a LONG time, but a funny little thing called life (long term sub job) came up and I jumped at...
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