You'll need:
- A wooden frame with no glass. They are usually at Hobby Lobby. Mine was a 11x14.
- Ribbon. My ribbon was an inch and a half.
- Cup hooks. You will get a better deal at a Home Depot/Lowes. Mine were a pack of 50 and were one inch.
- Ruler
- Hot glue gun and glue
- Sharpie
- Spray Paint. I used Ballet Shoes. It dried in 10 minutes or less.
- Embellishments
First you have to screw all those cup hooks into the bottom of your frame. I used my ruler and sharpie to make a one inch mark between each hook. You can do more or less, I ended up with a total of 17 on the bottom of mine.
I'm just letting you know this was a TOUGH job. To help screw them in I layed the frame on the ground and secured it between my legs. Then using both hands I pushed down and twisted each screw into the wood. When I only had 6 more left my dad helped me by drilling small holes into the wood where I had marked with my sharpie and ruler. This helped TREMENDOUSLY!
Once you have all your hooks in, it's time to spray paint!
Once your frame is completely dry, it's time to cut the ribbon and place them where you want. I didn't measure the space between them, I just eye balled it. I also cut the ribbon a little long because I was going to glue the ribbon into that inside crevasse.
When securing the ribbon to the frame I wanted to push down hard so the ribbon would adhere to the hot glue, so I used the edge of my scissors to push down hard, instead of burning my fingers.
When it's time to attach the other side of the ribbon, make sure you pull it tight so it's taunt.
I'm basically done with the frame... I just need to add a few embellishments to make it complete!
All finished!!!
This one is DEFINITELY a pin!
I love it she had a ribbon or bow for every outfit I made most of them to personalize it